Covid Safe Plan

The Summary Version

This is a practical summary of the of the plan. For the full, formal plan please see below or HERE.

Acting under the updated restrictions from the Victorian government, effective from Friday morning (22/10/2021) YVA can have up to 50 fully vaccinated members at the field. To allow the field to open and to continue to operate with the best interests of all our members, the following conditions will apply to members coming to the field.

  • You MUST sign in using the QR code which is located in several positions around the clubhouse and also in the sign in bay.
  • You MUST wear a face mask at all times whilst at the field.
  • You MUST maintain the social distancing requirements as stipulated by the State Health Officers rulings. (1.5 metres apart)
  • The clubhouse remains closed.
  • Toilet facilities are open. You MUST clean down the hard surfaces when you have finished using the facility. Cleaning products are provided at the toilet. This MUST be done by each and every member each time they use the toilet facility. No exceptions.
  • If it becomes apparent that members cannot abide by these regulations as defined by the State Health Officer, the field will revert to being closed.
  • YVA have established a registry to indicate those members who have provided their vaccination certificates. All members are welcome to provide those documents at your earliest convenience. Several members have already done this and do not need to take any further action.  Evidence can be sent to
  • Should a positive case of COVID be reported by a member who is or was present at the club, we will adhere to the current regulations and the club will be considered a Tier 1 or Tier 2 exposure site. The affected member or members must take the required action according to those regulations.
  • Once you enter the Yarra Valley Aeromodellers facility and sign in, you agree to act as a COVID Marshall, become responsible for your own actions and adhere to the above conditions.  

The Full Plan

  • A full copy of our Covid Safe Plan can be found HERE, is available at the field and has been emailed to all members.

Should you have any other concerns, please contact